This was the 3rd beach/reef clean for St. Kitts Reef Ecology Watch Group, and I think it's safe to say that we've got a base. There are almost 20 people that have participated in each of the cleans. How cool is that?
It's very cool.
What made this beach clean extra cool was that more parents brought their kids. Teaching the youngsters to take care of the planet is an important lesson, and it can't be taught too early.
Way to go parents!
We collected about 100 bags of garbage - not too shabby. The reef cleaners were maybe a bit discouraged at the huge amount of plastics found in the water; it was impossible to get all of it out of the water. However, we reminded each other that we can't save the world, and taking out what we can is leaving the reef in a better state than it was in last week.
Much of the garbage we found was left behind by people using the beach, so we put up a super cool sign asking people to please take their trash home with them when they leave so that the beach will stay nice and clean.
All in all, come sunset, the group was pretty satisfied with our accomplishments. All the beach cleaners signed the sign in hopes that those who come upon it will appreciate the efforts and pack out their trash.
Light one candle. That's all we can do. |
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